
Jungshin Kang (강정신)

CV and LOP (Sep. 14, 2024)


B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University (double major)

Research/Profressional Experience

Assistant Professor, Energy Resources Engineering, Seoul National University

Research Fellow, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Pusan National University

Associate Professor,  University of Science and Technology

Principal Researcher, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources

Researcher, Research Institute of Advanced Materials, Seoul National University

Engineer, Cold Rolling Department, Gwangyang Works, POSCO


Current Research Projects

[Principal Investigator]

Development of new metallurgy process for extracting and materializing nickel and chromium in waste scrap, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Non-disclosure project, LS Cable & System Ltd

Development of  50kg/batch manufacturing process technology for lithium based core raw materials for inorganic solid electrolyte, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Development of effective and environmentally-sound extraction processes for 1 ton/day of 99 % TiO2 and grade 1 Ti metal production using Myunsan Ti ore, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Development of eco-friendly metallurgical processes for production of Mg metal with purity of 99.995 % from waste refractories, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Development of lithium extraction and lithium compound manufacturing technology with a recovery rate of 95 % or higher through recycling of cathode materials waste crucible for secondary batteries, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Development of deoxidation refining process using off grade Ti scrap over 100 kg per day for the production of 4N5 grade ingot and utilizing powder technology, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Past Research Projects

[Principal Investigator]

Development of eco-friendly Cu metal production process without the generation of SOx  gas, SungEel HiMetal

Recovery of rare earth elements from rare earth resources and the production of rare earth metals, POSCO Holdings

Production of Li metal using molten salt electrolysis, Korea Zinc Company, ltd

Development of a novel and environmentally-sound process for the recovery of metals and elemental sulfur from nickel ore, Ministry of Science and ICT

Development of deoxidation refining process using off grade Ti scrap over 100 kg per day for the production of 4N5 grade ingot and utilizing powder technology, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Development of environmentally sound copper production process with zero emission of SOx gas, refining process for the production of high purity copper metal, and commercialization technologies, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Development of environment friendly pyrometallurgy process for high purity HREE and Materialization, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Development of Integrated Material Implementation Technology of North-Korean Magnesite, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy


Eco-friendly technology development of processing of purified rare earths compounds recovery from monazite ores, Ministry of Science and ICT

Evaluation of Titanium mining cycle on the Myeonsan(conglomerate) Formation, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Development of process for recovery and preparation of high purity valuable metal from tungsten soft scrap by alkali fusion, Ministry of Environment

Development of Value Enhancement Technology for Low-grade Domestic Titanium Ore by Impurity Removal (≤5%), Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning

Development of Commercial process and Export package system for recovering valuable metals from spent catalysts, Ministry of Environment

Development of advanced mineral and metallurgical processing for strategic mineral resources in Korean Peninsula, Ministry of Science and ICT

Technical Development for Producing AIN from the Bauxite Smelting Product through Reduction-Nitrizing Process, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning

Recovery of valuable metals(Cu, Ni, Co) from low-grade copper ore, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning

Preparation of purified rare-earth compounds from the domestic rare-earth ore, Ministry of Knowledge Economy

Recovery of rare metals (V, W) from the spent deNOx catalyst and materialization for the catalyst, Ministry of Environment

Technological development for Deepsea Manganese Noduels Process, Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs